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Personal Message

i dont know if i'll ever write a fanfic story myself since i mostly write essays, history and commentaries on social issues *not nearly as entertaining as asianfanfics right ? ^.^ BUT,  i'm always ready and willing to proofread someone else's work anytime.  so if anyone on this site needs help along those lines,  send me a message and i'll see what i can do ^.^

i do not like the format below so i'll just put this here...


... i'm a self-confessed control freak  *its the reason why i mostly read completed fanfics because i NEED TO KNOW that the next chapter will be there anytime i want to read it instead of  constantly waiting and worrying and obsessing, not knowing when the writer will update if he or she will update at all^.^v

...seeing glaring plastic surgery on celebs drives me off the wall  *i get SOOO DISTRACTED by the work done on the faces of some *if not most* korean celebrities that when watching them onscreen i cant' for the life of me concentrate on what they're saying^.^v

...reading anything written with some very obvious grammatical errors gives me a gigantic headache   *i do not claim to be such an expert on the english language and i'm not expecting a perfectly written(grammatically) english story,  but if youre going to write using the english language as your medium, pleeease make sure you have the skills to write something decent enough to be comprehended and not cause some major confusion, stress and distress on your readers^.^v

... fanfic writers who leave their subscribers hanging really pisses me off  * i think its the height of irresponsibility when one does that.  dont start on something you cant' finish...please ^.^v


...oh, and i forgot to share a very important piece of info... for reasons i cannot entirely explain, i'm currently fixated on Sandara Park AND that i only read Daragon fanfics ^.^v