Personal Message



I write for fun, not for commission ^^

About Me

Alt. AFF account: @shadowheartteen


Twitter: @shadowheartteen

Ig: @jinglebellmintz




I'm a firm believer of the saying, "Do what you love and you never have to work a day for the rest of your life."


I don't have a particular dream of what I want to be when I'm older yet, but I do know it has something to do with the media industry. I don't know why, the media industry is such a glamorous yet forboding place, hiding secrets behind beautiful makeup, costumes, set-designs and visual effects. It thrills me to no end.


Since I like Kpop, I'm very interested in Korean media, and that's my goal for the next three years of my polytechnic life; to study and experience Korean media for myself.


Aiming to go on a Korean Media study trip by the end of three years and look around KBS, Arirang etc., maybe even peek into Sukira radio interviews. It's so exciting.


Oh, I'm also turning 17 this year.


I'm looking forward to what the future beholds!




Put on my courage

Practice hard

Be daring enough to show the world



And let both my passion and imagination take flight



Before I can find someone who loves me, I must first love myself.




That is my promise to myself.