About Me

I'm studying to be an electrical engineer and so far so good thankgod.

i love love looooooooooooove angst and tragedy stories even though im a really sensitive empathetic girl and i get stressed out and anxious for the tinniest of reasons.

i love some me time cuz when im alone no one complains about me being too quiet and no one talks nonstop so i wont feel bad when i zone out.

i have a quiet personality and a loud brain, so yah I'm basically watching an action/fantasy movie whenever i zone out but as soon as i try to 'tell' people what the movie is about all goes to hell and yah i also have a bad habbit of spoiling things for myself which is why i have trouble starting a story and commiting to finishing it lol.

i dunno if it's just me or nah but whenever i have a great idea i always think and think and think till i reach the end of the story in a record time and thats the end of the story moving on to another one all that without writing them down because my mind is in a hurry and wants to know what happens . . . *cough* spoiler *cough* . . . to be me sometimes.

mmm enough bout me what about yall?