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Personal Message

Gummy, Sev7n, Big Bang, 2NE1, Psy, Epik High, WINNER, iKON, AKMU, Yedam, LeeHi, New Girl Group, I love them all!!!! (*˘︶˘*)

And Tablo's girl Haru as well <3

About Me

Wassupppp people ^O^ I'm a 96 little YG stan from Vietnam and I actually care about anything of YG Entertainment :"> you'll see it in my fics that I'll upload later when I'm quite sure about their quality ^3^ I dont feel secure posting one without making sure there's an ending to it :'( 

My writing style is variable, I can write juvenile, comedy and romanceee woo hoo!! Dont like angst that much tho, so I hope you wont expect that from me :'( I tend to add a tad of irrationally funny sarcasm so bear with me if I TvT

I'll post both English and Vietnamese fics yay because I'm having some under my sleeves already hehe (σˋ▽ˊ)σ I'll try to include some Korean culture just so to spice things up for ya :3

Oh yeah and I'm also studying graphic design (∩_∩) it's what I love doing the most, besides writing and daydreaming my life awayyy (///▽///)