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         you're the reason why i opened my eyes... but now you're the one blocking them.

ayrah - 69 y/o - 19th of july - filipina in the uae - too short and fat for your liking


    licensed professional e slash stalker. part-time necrophile. no ew. necrophiles are creepy as ok.
    i love phalanges, clavicles and mandibles. or fingers, collarbones, and jaws for you n00bs.
    specifically slim / long fingers, prominent collarbones, sharp / defined jaws.
    shawol b2uty inspirit baby exotic - poper since oct 2009





uberchrome (' juju ')
now, this tranny was the one who made me come back to aff. she spams my walls basically bc i spam hers too. she's classy in the net but undeniably cheap irl. also, she writes awesome stories so make sure to visit her profile. leave a message too bc she's a friendwhore. just sayin. i lob her tho.


inhaledesire (' chipmunk ')

dis bby no doubt, is a chipmunk. a chipmunk often vibrating with happiness. she's not a fan of kpop /which , btw. no loljk/ and joined aff only for the sole purpose of talking to uberchrome bc they're unseparable that way. she likes talking to people. she claims she's friendly. leave her a message and bask in her hyper chipmunkness bc ~~*yolo*~~





 i don't have much to put here bc /sobs/ this is a new account again so i don't have much friends yet 
but yea if you want to bask in the feeling of being posted here, which btw isnt much
leave me a message and maybe, we can be friends? lol, no screw that i'm friends with everyone





best writer in aff, imo. her stories deserve moooore attention. i love the way she writes and her stories are just perf okay. i love how she describes things/the situation and actually makes you feel like you're watching a movie.  her grammar is perfect and she has minimal typos and even though most of her stories are fantasy, i believe she's flexible. first saw her in No Limit Infinite then found her tumblr and then was led to her aff.

faves are: Locomotion | Renascence | Dragon's Lair | Anonymous | Warflower | Corvus | Believing Is Seeing | Risoria 


fave writer. i love how her rated parts just dont seem like PWP and how her stories just flow flawlessly. i also loooove her characterization bc omg perf. she has those kind of stories that you'll still read even tho you don't like/know the characters bc just asdflsgjldfg. 
faves are: Bloodlust Series | Black and White | 10,000



did i spell her username right? friendliest writer, imo. she appreciates her readers and talks to all of them. i love how realistic her stories are and her characterization is just amazing okay. also, her stories and the way she writes = chick flicks. i find it cute tho. her exo fics are the best and so is her gwiboon series.  

faves are: The Roomie | Benefits Of Waxing | Naughty, Naughty Luhan





my guilty pleasure.  when i was new to fanfics and was still a noob at english, i loved her stories. i first found her at winglin and then i moved to aff bc of her. she inspired me into making mine too (which btw didnt turn out so great) and i love how her stories are foreign-friendly. they're the types that all people with various english speaking levels can enjoy. even tho i sometimes hate how her stories are written, i can never forget that she was my starting line. whenever i run out of stories to read or there are no updates, i read her stories bc even tho i dont like her writing style, her stories never fail to entertain me.
faves are: Snow Flower | BTD Trilogy



great crack writer. first found her in lj and lemme tell you, her cracks are hilarious. she doesn't have much stories yet and i hope she blossoms into a great writer. <3

fave is: Office Antics 





best kaisoo writer, imo. author of the famous Anterograde Tomorrow and A Taste of Compulsion. Her vocabulary is amazing and her grammar is perfect. I love her plots and the twists she inputs. I just love writing style and lawd she is perf ok. she has also made me stay awake for nights bc omg you just can't get enough of her stories.

faves are: Anterograde Tomorrow | A Taste Of Compulsion




lj writer. i looooove her kaisoo. her knowledge in her fics are perf too. so is her grammar and writing style. i havent read much of her fics but i loooover her ok. her is also perfect. and her PWPs. hahah.

faves: Arbitrage | (all i wanna see you in is just) skin.




first ever fave lj writer. AUTHOR OF ABSOLUTE CHANYEOL OMG. she writes b.a.p., exo, block  b, infinite, and b1a4 so ofc automatic fave. she is perf and I love her. 'nuff said. also, i love the way she writes . :p

faves are: Absolute Chanyeol | Be Human (apparently, she has taken them down so sobs :c)





thi love how she writes fantasy. although I haven't read much of her fics, i can make sure that she's a great writer bc omg perf gramar and minimal typos. i loooove her storylines, btw. her untouchable series is perf.

faves are: Untouchable Series





 these are my opinions and you have all rights to disagree. my faves, are my faves. i'm not implying that they're their bests or wtv. i am also open for recs so please leave some suggestions. c: will update this frequently, btw.




l yfeers.



lee taemin
  first ever bby. succumbed me to kpop. i'm afraid this space isnt enough for me to express my never ending feels abt him. 
holds a special place in my heart tbh. i always claim that my five oppars are equal but honestly, he'll always be the first. no matter what.

lee kikwang
  seksi bby. knew him through an anti. basically succumbed me to stanning group with his wink. taught me so much that i can't even. and even though i dont treat him the way i treat other oppars anymore, he will always be near the top and that will never change. ever.

kim myungsoo
  perfectly weird bby. changed my definition of perfect tbh. he makes me have so many feels i cant even. i hate him sometimes. no, most of the time. his mandible turns me on. so does his clavicles. and his ing back too. has a body that makes me ually frustrated. makes me irritated bc holy ing how can he be so y yet so ing weird. just him ok.

bang yongguk

  gummy bby. this oppar's voice is just so ing asldfjdsljfdflkj i dun even know anymore okay. he's voice is gold i tell you. introduced me to the wonderful world of underground hip-hop. his clavicle and gums turns me on. no srsly i love his gums sfm. and his voice. HIS ING MOUTH OKAY. also his awkwardness. bc adorable. 

byun baekhyun
  ghei bby. this homo had me at his wink/tongue-swipe ok. has a presh voice that i wont mind humanitizing and just marrying. i love him and his ghei-ness. will forever be ghei with chanyeol. he is also a . bc has ships 10 other guys. will always be my bby in exo even tho kris/luhan/chyeol/suhoe/jongin/kyungsoo/thehun/xiumin/jongdae/yixing/zitao/basically everyone threathens the spot.




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         i dont care if the world stops listening. i only want you to hear me.


                                                                                                                                             profile credit. Yume.

taemin icons mine ; lj writers' icons ; respective lj writers | aff writers' icons ; mine
other pictures belong to their respective owners unless otherwise stateed