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Personal Message

Life is like a wave you just have to ride it


There are always going to be hard times in your life, but you should never run away


It's better to hope than to dispiar,it's possible to go over the limit, but nobody can do it easily


One stream of sunlight is enough to make many shadows disappear


We all live for two purposes. One is to exist, the other is to LIVE


About Me

  No one has a perfect life, something goes wrong at one point, and I'm not the type of person that want's to have a good time and then go through the hard things in life. I'm the type of person who want's to get to the point, I'm not say I'm impatient but I think it's better to get to the point. Like I would take the hit rather then run away from it or try to avoid to for the rest of my life. I would want to experience every : feeling,trouble,pain,heartach,love, I want to be able to feel what other people feel without them needing to explain what they been through and just say ''Don't worry you can lean on me'' and feel like I can really help them.