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Hello, lovely peoples!

About Me

Hi hi! Sarah here ^^

I'm just a 21 year old girl who decided to suddenly start writing as a hobby! And so far I'm really loving it (despite how stressful outlining is).

Here's some quick facts about me:

- I LOOOOOOVE SHINee, more specifically, Taemin from SHINee

- I decided to start writing because of an awesome vivid dream that I had and decided to do National Novel Writing Month. Long story short: Death attempts to rule the world, and only my main character can stop him. Cool right?

- Unfortunately (or maybe not...), due to time restrictions I had to opt out for a Taemin/OC fic. I'm cool with that xD

- UMMMMMMMMMM.... I'm half German, half American? And I moved to Germany in 2012? 

Well, if you want to know more about me, just swing by and say hi! 

Oh and my first fic will come up eventually... after editting and such of course.