Personal Message

{                    }
- let out the beast | aff roleplay | kim jongin✳ -
mood - exhausted.
thoughts - come on.
eyegasm - 
eargasm -
obsession - you.

About Me




 kim jongin.
124/endless Kai gifs.
kim jongin - kai
makin' them fangirls mentally insance since 01-14-1994.
google me for more babe. 
or dont.
does it look like a give a damn?
what the is love?
tumblr_m6hzg7DrGH1qd3xz3o1_250.gif        tumblr_m6hzg7DrGH1qd3xz3o2_250.gif   
don't know, don't care.
love happens when i feel like it.
so don't try stealing my heart.
single | whorin' around | not really caring
bi | exoual | t-araual | anyone ual
✳ warning - i cling, bite, , and . i be the king of skinship
cant handle it? never asked you too.
we are one
oops. wrong picture.
exom, exok. the future we are about to start - history.
you make me smile.

steal and i'll beat yo up.