Personal Message


gongchan what you doing. get owt = 3 =

current mood--;  ... tired
current song--;  romeo and cinderella - nodoame
relationship status--;  taken by lee donghae 
purity--; obvs taken

hello there; let me introduce myself, my name is Jung Jinyoung.
I fell from the sky on the 18th day of the 11th month in the year 1991,
and apparantly landed on my head.
that's why I'm get gloomy alot. ahah.

I am up myself, and I can be a total . okay?
I may look just like another pretty boy, with pale skin and pheonix-like eyes.
But you know, looks are deceiving.
Because when it comes to games,I'm just an extremely dirty player.

This slave is forever awkward, taken, biual and forever pu- okay maybe not.
but still, at least be gentle, because I'm not a . I can be, but I rather not.
what I like is whatever interests me, guitar, spam etc.
what I dislike is cheese, anything with cheeeeeese.

You don't like me?
aww well okay then.
don't like me then.


- ♥ LoVeR--; DoNGHae ♥ -

tumblr_m4bk8m7Gpu1ql3f25o1_250.jpg  tumblr_m4bk8m7Gpu1ql3f25o3_500.jpg  tumblr_m4bk8m7Gpu1ql3f25o2_250.jpg

- ♥ CLoSe FRieND--; aMBR♥ -

tumblr_m51uk3otBE1rxbctgo1_250.jpg  tumblr_m51uk3otBE1rxbctgo2_250.jpg  tumblr_m51uk3otBE1rxbctgo4_250.jpg  tumblr_m51uk3otBE1rxbctgo3_250.jpg

- ♥ oMG WHaT eVeN--; T-ae ♥ -

tumblr_m4xjuwYG0s1r9pbrzo1_250.png  tumblr_m4xjuwYG0s1r9pbrzo2_250.png  tumblr_m4xjuwYG0s1r9pbrzo9_250.png  tumblr_m4xjuwYG0s1r9pbrzo8_250.png

- ♥ NiCe FRieND--; MiNSeo ♥ -

[[ gonna add more, just lazaaaye = u = ]]

Don't dare hurt them or else ;

fuq da police.

[[ foreber under construction ]] 


About Me



B1A4's Jung Jinyoung from Dungeon Daegu as a Slave