Personal Message

()Choi Minki better knownas Ren


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       Being a tricky yet quiet guy, no one know what tricks will come to his mind, to add on to it, his expressionless face makes things harder to guess. Physical strength wise, he has been a flexible one from all those stretches he does for no reason. He also has a good sense of balance, as standing on one leg for hours without falling has been his punishment since young. His face would be another strength as well, people get confused between his gender, which might perhaps affect some guys who are afraid to injure girls too much. And lastly, he knows his weakness and can identify others' quickly, which is a crucial strength.








       Ren doesn't know how to trust anyone at all and prefers to do things alone, he never tell anyone much about   his problems and if the other ever told him, it would been a dumb move, because he has been someone who      can't trust and can't be trusted. Also, he has been slow in his speed, making it a grave disadvantage for his case. And, like mentioned, he enjoys being alone which make him easily overpowered when outnumbered. Lastly, he gets distracted easily which makes him a simple target to get picked on.












           People might be told not to judge a book by its cover, but in ren's case, it doesn't actually matters. He looks coldand is cold, however, He might look innocent at times, when in reality, he really isn't. He is protective of people who is close to him, yet he doesn't really show it. Anyone who made him angry might need protect themselves better as he might just kill them in their sleep or something. And to top it off, don't mess with the creepy porcelain doll. It makes him extremely happy to see people he detest suffer.





When he was younger, his parents left him to his uncle. Then after a month under his abussive uncle, he decided to sell Ren to the black market as a slave. That time, he was sent to the dungeons. Luckily, he found Han Geng and Han Geng adopted him as his son. Minki was able to protect his self from slavery as he became a master.





credit : day&night

About Me

roleplayer for dungeon daegu as a MASTER