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Personal Message

Well, here goes nothing..... ;P


Since everyone's profile is so pretty and interesting, I wanted to decorate mine too. I don't know if anyone will see this but... who doesn't like a pretty profile for themselves? ^.^




No, I am not from France. However, it is one of my classes. It'll come in handy when I stalk all the places in Bonjour Paris.

Oh. What is Bonjour Paris, you ask? If you swim in the red sea, I'm pretty sure you've seen it a million times. I know I have. ;P

But for those who don't, it's ok. Let me break it down for you:

A singing dolphin.

A pet-obsessed troll who trolls the said dolphin.

An ice cream-stealing daredevil  who makes fun of ia.

A terminator look-a-like gone wild.

A hungry photographer who likes to check himself out.

Put these five together, dress 'em up in y clothes, have them stroll around the beautiful city of Paris and voila~ You've just found the greatest thing since sliced bread. 


And who could forget? 

Aux Champs Elysees



Now hush. Jaejoong's about to start camwhoring in Changmin's interview.