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Personal Message

Olla <3

About Me

'About Me'-The moment when you search in your soul to tell strangers everything about you otl. 


1) I didnt love reading since young. The passion developed as I transform into a young lady.

2) I am 17 this year. 

3)I speak P-english. Poor English. 

4)I have trouble communicating with people, face to face. 

5)I reflect myself on most nights

6)I have 2 True Friends whom I treasure a lot. 

7)I love the story ' A proscribtive relationship' on wattpad and had read it more than 5 times!

8)I have yet to read 50 Shades of Grey 

9)I dont think anyone can be any more handsome than EXO's Baby Oh Sehun. He's basically the most handsome guy in the universe, well to me. 

10)I belong to the fandom call 'INSPIRIT'. I love the whole group but my ultimate bias are Nam Grease and Dinowoo <3