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Personal Message

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen!

I am using this site to practice my creative writing for more interesting subjects. College doesn't allow me to write about my interests, so I need some outlet, right?

I don't plan to reveal my name, but I would like you to call me by either my username, which I saw somewhere on Youtube and thought it was cute, or Rad One (It's a college thing), which is my alias. Dorky? Yes. Lame? Possibly. Fitting? All too well! 

I am not a quick writer, as I really like to focus on the material, rather than pumping out whatever, so I do hope you enjoy my work!

Have a lovely day :D

About Me

I am just a college student. Nothing spectacular, except I am a K-Pop fan in an area not very familiar with K-Pop beyond Gangnam Style.

I like writing, singing, dancing, and reading other people's work.

I think fanfiction can be a very good outlet for creative writers to practice their skills, and can be taken very seriously, or be a complete joke, just like any written work.