About Me

He is bound to be a book worm because he loves to have silent conversations, with all the action happening inside his head. Don’t try asking him for a review on the book because you will never understand the weird connections he will come up with and you might end up discarding a good book as worthless. He is fond of writing, especially poetry. Because his random thoughts can only take abstract forms; some of which will cease to make any sense after a few weeks, even to him! Observe him when he does those little things which make up his world like sharpening a pencil neatly, marking his novels with his name and date, brewing tea without spilling a drop of milk on the kitchen slab… 

It is very unlikely that you will get many chances to witness him doing these mundane things because this is when the introspection usually happens. So, if you do catch him going about a daily routine without noticing your presence, stand back and do nothing. 
Just watch him. 
You might be able to demystify, not completely, the enigma swirling the decoction in front of your eyes.

There will be times, more often than not, when he will go into a trance and stare far away into the oblivion. He can stay up like that for hours, static and immovable like a statue, immersed without any care in the world. Suddenly, his eyes will light up and his lips will curls into a heavenly smile for reasons beyond your comprehension. You will be very anxious to know what exactly is going in his mind but don’t ask him because you would be disappointed with his answer which will just consist of a whispered ‘Nothing…’ 
You might get irritated initially but if you hold on to your apprehensions for long enough, you will realize that his silence is just another inner conversation with his soul and nothing else. 
Her first love is not a third person. It is he, himself, with whom he spends his special moments. 
Sipping tea alone at one corner in a cafe, sitting by the balcony oblivious of the world around him, looking out of the bus window without blinking his eyelids – you will know who he is with.