Personal Message

Annyeong~ Mae/Madison imnida~! >.<

About Me


YWelcome to my Choding world!



Annyeong mai choding minions >:) I'm the daughter of the choding baws Lee Seongyeol, so technically you are my choding-like minions. Inpiniteu ish mai uncles and 4minuteu ish mai new unnies/aunties! Mai un-related speshur peepurs would be all of mai unnies and oppars on here.  I'm 9 11/12 years old and mai birdday ish next to mai pic of mai sesshi appar. I expect birthday wisheus, pie, and watermelon on that date. JK JK you can just give me birthday wishes. I'm a Hmong, Kenyan, Korean person. I live in West Sac, California. Don't stalk me weirdos >.< 


Choding Daughter (dis)likes...

What the choding likes.

I like a lot of things... Inpiniteu, 4minuteu, mai unnies, mai oppars, mai friends, mai family, maiself, peopurr, kpop, jpop, cpop, role-playing, lots of things.
I don't really dislike anything... well maybe cherry and blue berry pie, that's it...

           Mai Choding Appa


layout 'choding' 
layout by Maknae_HeeRin