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About Me





My name is diordenim, but you can call me Renee :)

I <3 BEAST/B2ST! All of them are so cute! Not to mention, they're all super talented.

My bias is the y & charismatic rapper Yong Jun Hyung.


But, I also like Big Bang, 2NE1, Se7en, Super Junior, DBSK, 2PM, Jay Park, Block B & B1A4.

I love writing fanfics and I try to do my best in every single one I write. Whenever I read other fan's stories I wonder how they write so good! >.< It amazes me, really! Right now, I don't have any fanfics up because I'm currently writing one and I like to finish writing my story completely before posting it because then I might loose interest in it after a while.


Comment on my wall! I'll tell you more about me if you do :) Don't be shy, I don't bite lol

Here is my livejournal account so you can make oneshot requests!! :)