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About Me

I'm a girl who's trying to find her place in this word. I'm also a girl who risks everything and ends up losing all of it.

why am i so emo? D:



I'm Allie.

Still in my epic years ;D

I'll be honest. Most of my fics are inspired by my lovelife. which is just awesome. (fyi i'm being sarcastic there .-.)

Besides love, I'll be trying out other genres as well. The story will only be published when some random idea passes through my head. I dunno. Horror maybe?

I'm a random person. Hyper most of the time. I remember the time when I was hyper at 6 in the morning. It ain't pretty e_o

GAHH. I don't know what to write here anymore. Might as well fill it with random stuff D;



DOOSH. cat :D


enough. bubye now ;)