


  • Getting image...

Personal Message

even though our hands haven't touched when you gave me your lemonade, i can still say you've successfully gotten me into a love cherry motion! brownie points to you if you got that joke. nevertheless to whoever may be reading, you've just done your first daily deed of goodness. congratulations on being a wonderful camper! not only did you make choerry's heart happy but you've also given her a second of your time which is all she could ask for. and since you're already here, let's take a trip down "get-to-know-choerry-lane". here comes the fun facts (you could potentially use as striking conversations starters) number one! have you've ever met someone so in love with japanese kaomojis? (¬_¬) ♥︎ i certainly have, but pst! it's me. numero dos! i just find elmo characters so cute???? their noses are so big and soft looking. i. i think i'm whipped? and finally number three! i'm currently lacking some vitamin (u), you're a certified doctor right? so come scroll back up and provide me with some pretty please. with a cherry on top?