Personal Message

Personal Thoughts on "A Muse's Rebellion"                                                                                  (contains spoilers)


Originally, I wanted Commander Moon Hyuna to sort of reflect her real life personality, someone calm but playful and (originally) happy. She's always so professional and graceful, I like her as a Commander. She's beautiful and in charge, poised and always critical. Someone who has her head on her shoulders. Of course, Namyu's pseudoleader Sera is someone who plays the role of leader well. But that's for later :p

Eunji was sort of my interesting character to attempt to write. She's definitely someone whose confident and indepedent (if you've seen their documentary) and sometimes says things that are a little surprising. I portray her as someone very talented but impatient, ready to go, and full of passion and love. I love her short hair, especially in Ticket/Figaro era. I pictured it sort of tucked underneath her general's cap in a really cute way. And when she's mad, it's kind of adorable :p

Then of course there's Sera, whose definitely a mysterious character throughout the story. Her personality is kind of touched upon but it's only revealed much more in detail later. 

I'll add more later as I think of things lol. I should mention that I read all your comments and think about them as I write. I didn't write for awhile because I've seen like zero namyu fanfiction and quite frankly the demand isn't that high lol. But then I realized, I'll just write whatever I want to write and if anyone likes it, I'm glad. :) 

I'm happy to hear any thoughts you have. I don't have any beta readers or anything like that, so if you're interested let me know. Same thing if you spot typos or errors.