Personal Message

Hey guys!

I'm Nana... Well its just a nickname of mine. but you may call me as jojo.

I am a writer before here in Asianfanfics, but i kinda deleted my account

because i was too busy with work and stuff. And right now its 2014, i wanna make some resolutions

And one of it is to write fanfics! yey!



since i'm not using my laptop (I'm on mobile huhu), i might not able to update right away...

The most important thing is to update for my readers :)

About Me

Well if your curious about me 

here's a quick intro about me.


I'm Nana :D

My account before was Jojobanana, Jikahee33... I dunno why i deleted those... huhu

Back then I was lazy and always changing up my ideas... and now, i want to change those habits.

I'm turning 20... YEY!

I am a College Senior from an Art School

I like Art, Photography and Food!

I am a jpop fan, kpop fan, anime fan <3

I like drama series, live action series <3

I love to read mangas! (^_^)

And most of all I like to create and read fanficsss... 



Thank you for reading and I will do my best to do a great fanfic :)