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About Me

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 { Angela ¦ 24.4.97 ¦ 5'4" ¦ 102 lbs. ¦ Melody }

 Annyeong! I am fairly new to this website! If you're looking at my profile now, I hope we can be friends! :D As you can see, my bias is the one and only, Jung Ilhoon <3


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  my number ones!
 { i can be your shoulder and you can be my backpack. }

 Jung Ilhoon
→ I really like Ilhoon! No wait, scratch that. I LOVE Ilhoon. He's like the angel of my life~

 Wu Yi Fan
→ Kris is really handsome. When I say really, I mean REALLY. That's why I like him :) I also like his leadership.
 Kim Himchan
→ He has the cutest engrisshh ever! Himchan is probably the cutest person you will see with the cutest engrish, seriously.
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  stories, stories and stories!
 { read them pleaseee. } 
 Story Name
→ about story about story about story about story about story
 about story about story about story about story about story.
 Story Name
→ about story about story about story about story about story
 about story about story about story about story about story.
 Story Name
→ about story about story about story about story about story
 about story about story about story about story about story.
     layout by nerdylollipops @ p o s h u layout shop