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About Me

i'm just someone who's involving in medical field that love kpop..maybe many of us didn't expect me to be someone that can be so addicted to kpop and korean fanfic for someone like me...but hey that's me..many of my close friends wondering how i'm still struggling to find time to read fanfics and still continuing searching for kpop news instead  most of my time are spend at the hospital plus the constantly oncall and duh lack of sleep for treating patients, OT (oh,i hate dis, being constantly with blood and other life machine sometimes make me nausea) but hey that's my duty right...but many of my collagues ask me how can i'm still online eventhough i'm juz finish my oncall and the constantly question "hey, why don't u have some sleep or take a nap instead of being on9 to read what u're reading about all diz kpop"..that's one of the common question...i think that there are more of diz question instead of 'how are u?', 'r u ok?' bff knows that reading fanfics and news about kpop is 1 of my method to reduce stress actually...hey,each one of us has different and variety of method to relieve stress right? i'm still prefer sleep but still there is some part in my daily activities that i've spend to read fanfics..hehe...riduculous right..but hey,that's me (tagline..hehe..:P)..generally, being part in the medical part is not easy actually as it need patience, being a fast thinker esp for emergency cases, knowledgeable and others, but it also consume a lot of stress, lack of time to spend with family, ard to get a leave off and others, so that's why diz is one and the only hobby that i i hope being in this community can give me happy vibe and still being helpful for me to relieve stress..hehe...