Personal Message


I'm really sorry for my lack of updates, school is really taking it's toll on me and I don't have any time to work on my stories

About Me


in a nutshell

I’m a 95 liner that has an obsession with Korea and Japan.

I call myself -- neko (since I'm as lazy as a cat)

The type who’s shy around crowds, but once with close friends I get hyper and act silly. I'm more closed off and would rather have some me time rather than hang out with others. Even though I have my hyper moments, especially when I have me some cheesecake or drink em mountain dew (don't ask why) I am one lazy cat. I'd rather leave everything til the last possible moment cause I can't be bothered to move around and would rather stay in one spot, hence the whole cat/neko reference. My head is always in the clouds, i space out like crazy, especially when I don't have enough sleep, I just get so zombie-ish. I'm clumsy, uncoordinated, and easily embarrassed but I also like who I am and don't want to change for anyone.

likes - video games. cheesecake. laughter. utada hikaru. manga. spazzing. anime. hayao miyazaki films. reading. disney classics. writing.