About Me




hey, it's adel.

ello there, as written above, you can call me adel. i'm a seventeen year old girl aka a 97-liner who happens to be a fan of monochromatic things with a lot of angst and sadness. i guess you could say i'm a slight misanthropist but, i do socialize - i just don't plan to get myself attached because hellos always meet goodbyes and i hate saying farewell the most. i like photography; however i often take pictures in the form of black and white because they're like reading a book instead of watching the movie. i'm an avid stan of sm idols despite of all the hate they're receiving lately, and also, an avid stan of 2000Won aka 이천원. though, all in all, i happen to be an all-rounder and i think everyone should give chance to the under-rated idols because they happen to worth far much more than mainstream idols.