About Me

I’m your typical teenage girl . I smile , laugh , and cry for no specific reasons . I’m a drama queen , a , an enemy , but I can be : a friend , a best friend , & a girlfriend . I’ve done crazy things that are to hard to explain . I’ve done unforgivable things . I’ve made mistakes that I’m still trying to fix . I’ve acted to make others happy when I myself wasn’t . I’ve liked & almost loved a boy . I’ve been heart broken , depressed , and hysterical because of one . I’ve played and cheated some . I’ve chased after one , only to be outran by another girl . I’ve been chased after & I've given chances . I don’t trust easily anymore . I’ve been betrayed & it hurt . I like movies & music . I’m in love with Korean music and drama . I’m obsessed with SHINee . I’m a soon to be freshman . Still not enough ? You can add me as a friend and have a little chat with me .