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About Me

My name is Yiashyra Wright. I am from the United states. I am obsessed with GOT7. Jackson Wang is my ultimate bias. I also really like the ship Jackbum or Jaeson. I might post some of my own works relating to Jackbum.


I have a two Tumblr blogs. One is only for Jackson Wang and the other is for my OTP Jackbum. I have 628 followers on my Jackson blog and 147 on my Jackbum blog. If you like to follow me on them,I listed them down below.  I would really appreciate it. Thank you. 


Tumblr: WangNation852 (blog on Jackson Wang)

            JackbumNation (blog on Jackbum/Jaeson)


Other Infromation about myself:

College Student

Majoring in Graphic Desgin

African American 

Ultimate bias: Jackson Wang

Writes about Jackbum and maybe Jackson Wang scenarios. 

Love to draw. :)

Black is my favorite color

I like all genres of music from Amercian to Thai. As long as it souds good I like it. (expect Country :P)

I am running a birthday project right know for Jackson Wang. Please Check it out on my Tumblr blog. :)

Favorite Song: My Whole Body is Reacting-GOT7 and Good Love-Dynamic Duo

OTP: Jackbum 

Social Media:

Instagram: @WangNation852

Twitter: @WangNation852

E-mail: [email protected] ( only for GOT7, Jackson Wang, or Jackbum related things. Fandom)

Thank you. :)