Personal Message






Scorpios are self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. They tend to withhold themselves from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective. Scorpios can sometimes dwell in melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity. They want to express themselves and their individuality, to create and surround themselves with beauty. At their best, they are inspired and highly creative.


- Definition: Power to enter, manipulate, project, alter, and control dreams of others or yourself. 
- Capability: As well as controlling, the user can modify, suppress, fabricate, influence, manifest, sense, and observe dreams as well.  Sometimes the user can even unlock their hidden powers, or enter other dreams or even commune with the dead. The user can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM (Rapid Eye Movement), and even promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams. In some cases, the user’s power extends to the real world, such as wounds inflicted on a sleeping victim and even pulling someone from the waking world into the dream world.




"A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities"


"Dreams are the seedlings of reality"

"A dream is a wish your heart makes"

"I dream, therefore I exist"


About Me






-create.php?text=Ailee& data-cke-saved-name=Yesterday%20A name=Yesterday%20A-
tumblr_m1rdn7EBbL1rrm1j6o1_500.jpg ☚ yes, it's that girl right there!
create.php?text=--Beeeutiful--& data-cke-saved-name=tage name=tage
Ailee was born on May 30th. 
She has been gifted with Dream Manipulation. 
And it truly is a gift. 
But that's not the only thing she is gifted with..
She is also gifted with an amazing singing voice, which she can sometimes be shy to use.
But if you really encourage her, you might get a song or two out of her. (;
At first, Ailee can be shy but when she warms up to you, she's funny and kind. 
She loves to have a good time and to joke around but she is very sensitive. 
One wrong word and she might break or get very defensive of herself. 
But when she gets mad, she usually doesn't hold a grudge,
but if you do end up pissing her off, well, your dream that night might not be very good. 
When around her friends, she can be very immature,
but she is very polite around adults and elders. (:
Relationship Status:
Single | Taken | Looking | Married | Engaged | Not Interested | It's Complicated | Crushing
ual Orientation: Straight.
Ailee usually uses her gifts for good,
you shouldn't be scared if she appears in your dreams. 
Unless you did something to piss her off in reality. 
Ailee can make your dreams like a fantasy, almost like another reality. 
Something Ailee could never live without is a good friend. 
She's always looking for someone new to talk to, even though, she is shy. :O
Ailee enjoys playing video games, her favorite video game is 007 (James Bond)
She is a gamer xP
And she looks up to Beyonce in singing.(:
Eargasm; Catch My breath By Kelly Clarkson & Almost Lover by A Fine Frenzy
Eyecandy; You really wanna know? Read the first word again (;
Current Mood; Feeling a bit lonely.



Ailee was spoiled when she was a little kid, 

she had loving parents, her brother was her best friend, she had money, clothes...etc. 

But then, out of nowhere, her father walked out on them. 

It didn't affect her brother as much, he never cared about their father, but Ailee was devastated. 

Ailee's mom started drinking, non stop, she became an alcoholic. 

It would kill Ailee to see her mother passed out on the couch, from depression and drinking too much. 

Then her mother remarried, all was good until her step father got too comfortable and started thinkin he could abuse her. 

He hit her - He didn't even know her. 

She put on a tough act but it never mattered how tough she made herself look, he'd hit her, she'd fight back, he'd hit harder. 

Her mother never cared, her brother...he was long gone, when he turned 18 and went to college, he never came back. 

Ailee lost her father and her best friend. 


It wasn't until recently that Ailee's father started to contact her again.

After years, of being gone, after he just ditched them, he tried talking to her again. 

She could never forgive him for the crap that he put them through -- yes it was his fault, Ailee blames him.

But she talks to him, because he will always be her father,

and she always thinks about it this way : At least he's not her step father. 

"I used to be daddy's little girl, to us you meant the world, and oh, how we seemed so happy. Thought we had everything, but oh, how the seasons changed. When you broke up with us and made a new family."
create.php?text=Tiffany& data-cke-saved-name=Aspire-Demi name=Aspire-Demiimg-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=53221632
Tiffany~ Well first of all she is just drop dead gorgeous, and she's so sweet and smart and extremely helpful! She's such a great friend and I love her because we can get ourselves in the craziest situations. Like a real life pokemon battle! It was the first time and it definitely won't be the last. (: Tiffany! We shall never be ashamed of out craziness~ It's just who we are! As Nicki Minaj (Or Roman~) likes to say, "Take me  or leave me, I'll never be perfect believe me I'm worth it, so take me or leave me." <33
create.php?text=Sulli& data-cke-saved-name=Aspire-DemiBo name=Aspire-DemiBo11696-ywzktmforh.jpg
((I'm just gonna add her because we are best friends in real life... soo, P:  and everything is like's how we are in real life. :D ))
Sulli~ She is my bestst friend EVER! She is sooo funny and we have SOOOOO many inside jokes. She so gorgoues and helpful and fun to be around. We can sit and laugh for hours straight, about the dumbest things. She has such singing voice and we can get ourself in the most craziest situations and I'm probably my craziest around her but I can't help myself!  But over all..... I LOVE this girl~ As a sister <33
create.php?text=Roommate& data-cke-saved-name=Cursif.ttf name=Cursif.ttf:
create.php?text=Gyuri& data-cke-saved-name=Aspire-DemiBo name=Aspire-DemiBo    tumblr_l9g2apQ0K21qzjg71o1_500.png
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- Summer/ Warm Weather
-Horror Movies
-Lollipops ^^
-Being around Friends
-Make up
-Winter/ Cold Weather
-Fake people.
create.php?text=Classes& data-cke-saved-name=TeamSpiritN name=TeamSpiritN
Field Classes: Survival, Agility Training
Academic Classes: English, History
Electives: Art
"It's a joke, it's a game, so why am I still keeping score. I'm in pain, I'm ashamed, I'm a Woman hear me roar"
-Nicki Minaj