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Personal Message

You can look for me on Instagram! I go by @wheneverdream, which is my art and main account. If you are interested in seeing more of my writings, albeit short, you can also find me on Instagram under the username of @heyyowasseoooo. 

About Me

I'd like to describe myself as a daydreamer, artist and a bit of a random author too. It sounds totally cheesy, right? Specially the daydreamer part. But trust me, you got no choice when you have to sit through seven hours of school - and even more with your mind practically bursting with ideas. 

Ah. The pain.

Although I'm pretty sure you all have experienced the same, which is actually kind of disheartening. 

As for what I came here? Fanfics. You know the deal. Fanfics to live, fanfics to breathe. Or just a good story, I don't even need it to be a fanfic. Reading is one of my biggest passions and it will ever be. I love the thrill of diving into a world that is not your own, the connection you create between yourself and the characters. It's amazing to find that one book that makes your feelings flow skin-deep. 

I'm usually open to every genre, for as long as I can enjoy my time reading. I have to admit, though, that I have a slight predilection for fantasy AU. I grew up with that kind of stories and they'll always have a special place in my heart. They've influenced my writing style a lot too.

I hope I can learn a lot from you all, just as I hope I can give you authors the support and love you deserve.

Looking forward to read more of your stories! 

