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About Me

First of all, english is not my first lenguage so, please, don't kill me if I make any mistakes. 

I'm a boy. I'm sure you all are really surprise to see a male in here but no, unlike most people that know me thinks, I'm not gay (at least I had never like anyone, neither a boy nor a girl). The closest thing to love that I had ever felt is the affection to my childhood best friend, the two of us grew together because mine and his parents are really good friends. He had always supported and protected me from bullies (and he still does) that always surrounded me because as much as I hate it I look EXACTLY like a girl (a fact that doesn't help me at all with people thinking that I am gay...).

I like listening to music, dancing, watching anime, reading, writing, having fun with my friends and go shopping (yes, I know what you are thinking right now, 'so gaaaay' -.-). I have a hamster called Kika and a snail called Ferbuson, they're the cutest criatures I had ever seen. My parents are both south koreans but I had been born in Spain and I'm currently leaving there. I'm really shy and it is too difficult to me to make friends but when I make them I am friendly, amusing, always doing a lot of aegyo and like skinship the best.  All of my friends,people that know about kpop and especially my best friend tell me that i look like a mix between Shinee's Taemin and Girl's day Minah (his parents are also south koreans and he looks like actor Kim Woo Bin and Big Bang's TOP).

I made this acount so I can read fanfics that are only for members or subscribers so i don't think I will be writing any fanfics, at least not at the moment.

I hope we all can get along and please, take good care of me!!! Saranghae~ <3