About Me

ok so i wasn't planning on doing a profile since there's not much to me and not that there are people who actually read this stuff. but i had some free time and finally improved(?) my coding so i decided to this. haahaha.
anyway i've been on aff since... 2011? my main account is hyukanchovy, which i applied with before but decided to use this ~spare~ account since the main blog was getting cluttered.
i wandered into the applyfic tag when i started losing inspiration for my fics and, yeah, well, im in too deep now. applyfics are fun and unique, but a pity that most stories don't really make it to the end, and some don't even start.
i have a lot of ideas (like, srsly) but i doubt i'll be able to do them all since i already have my hands full with exodus. but hopefully i can get to them soon!!!
and wew that was long if you're still reading, congrats bc u have the patience of buddha.
- as of aug 25, 2015
✖ i go by jae~
✖ the most unique thing about me is that i'm a christmas baby
fluent in english and mandarin and can read/write korean. understanding is about... 40%. heh.
✖ i like baekhyun a lot.
✖ so much that i'm willing to dedicate two bullet points to him.
✖ i've been to a lot of concerts, (ss3-ss5, smtown, exo planet and more)
✖ i recently got into k indie (it's really good to study with) and my favs so far are standing egg and coffee boy. you can listen to them in ma jukebox.
✖ i can't think of anything else. peace out~
- as of aug 25, 2015
now playing : Y by freestyle

recommended playlists :
✖ k indie vol. 1 2 3 4 5 6
- as of aug 25, 2015
coded by stampcollectors, images from tumblr
best viewed on aff old version, mac, chrome