


  • Getting image...

Personal Message

Writing a story... then posting it online for any and everyone to see...

It's like taking a and putting it up on the internet. (I've never done it, but I could imagine how it feels)

You get judged, viewed, liked, disliked, shared, and/ or forgotten.

People get to see what you see.

 It feels like they get to see past your exterior, deep into you where you have no defenses.

I hope the day I write stories never ends.

 It helps me see me, and it shows me how I was feeling during the times that I wrote those stories.

They are a constant reminder of where I have been, and they help me go where I want, and need to be.

A story is more than just a story.

It's a glimpse into the author's soul.

About Me

Woooo! Not quite sure what to say....

Uhhhmmm.. Well I uh... am very charismatic <----- yeah right XD

I like cats, and snow, and the colour red. That is all.