Personal Message

❣ I Want To Belong To You ❣

B A N G  Y O N G  G U K





• My Alias •
Gukkie, Yonggie, Jepp

• Lost Since •
March 31, 1990

• y At •
182 cm

• Full of Awkward Cuteness •
60 kg

• Blushing With •
Type O Blood

• Filling The Night With •
Moans and Bartending




Na Saram


uality:   Straight | Biual | Homoual
Love Status:  Single | Not Looking | Looking | Taken | Crushing | Heart Broken
Ideal Type:   Someone who can show him real love
Crushing On:   Ren




 Broken Smile

Yong Guk grew up cowering under his bed as he heard his father in the room beside him. After hitting puberty, the women that crawled into his father's bed began forcing themself into Yong Guk's bed. The experince was made more traumatic by his father beating him when he found the women in his son's bed. He suffered in silence until high school when he forced himself on a classmate. Yong Guk enjoyed being in power for once, he kept at it. He became a bartender to kept him from his hell of a home. He currently suffers from flashbacks where he remains trapped in his memories of being abused unable to tell reality from his mind. He seems to be more comfortable around men given his past trauma with women. Yong Guk still likes to be the one in control not wanting to have the same experince as when he was younger. Despite the bartenders side job of forcing his way into people's bed, he has an innocent side. It's only visible when people treat him kindly and try to befriend him. Those who do get close to him become precious, he does all that he can to protect them but despite being close to him he will still keep his past and the damage that his father gives him from them.



Toki Toki



CL - I'll do my best to remain weird even though your desires of aegyo from me may turn me cute.


Hweji - I'm slowly learning to trust you with my story




Profile Credit