Personal Message





Dear Naeun, my Princess, my Minnie, my girlfriend, my yeobo, my jagiya, my future wife, my world, my life, my everything. I know how unreal this probably seems to you. You wish for Lim Hyunsik from BTOB to be your Prince. Then a friend of yours wishes for your Prince to come. Then suddenly, there's a request to be a good Prince going as Lim Hyunsik? It seems like a fantasy doesn't it? Well, Naeun. Every moment with you is like a fantasy to me. You're the most spectacular girl I could ask for to be my princess. I'll admit, I came here with the intention of seeing if I could be your prince. But I didn't know if that's what could happen - it seemed a little farfetched even to me. All I knew was that I wanted to be true and honest to you and if we fell in love, we fell in love and it's another fairytale written for the world to see and read. I still remember our first greeting. Or shall I say your face when you greeted me. ? O_O ? All I could think was "I either made my Princess' day or I scared her away from me." As I started to talk to you I realized that you were sweet and kind, caring. You may tease and be playful, act that you don't like something when you like it - it's all cute to me. You've done nothing to make me upset at you. You're perfect Naeun, and although I know limited details about your past love - I hope to help mend your heart. I want to fill in the cracks with my love. Give you a love you never had before. I want to be that one - the one can and will make you smile every day. Give you a reason to continue on when times are hard. I want to be your support for life Naeun. When you asked me if Isaw the wedding photo shoot with your APink members all I could think about was how beautiful I thought you were in it. To me, you were the shining star. I thought you were gorgeous, and that I was the luckiest man on the planet to have part of your heart belonging to me. Although i don't talk about it since I want our relationship to go as it shoulld, I'll admit some things to you Princess. There are times where I think about how our wedding will go. About how beautiful you'll be that day. Where you'll take my breath away, again and again. How proud and happy I will be to be standing at the far end of that aisle, waiting for you to be in front of me. I wonder how it will be to wake up with you next to me, every morning. Or falling asleep with you in my arms. How our children will be.. Our first time, how I want it to be perfect for you. -chuckles lightly- Yes, I do love it when you call me Prince, but calling me oppa is fine too. I know that as long as you are my Princess, that I am your Prince so the term doesn't have to get used too often. Here's another secret Princess. I do get jealous when you talk about other guys. But - I don't like to show it. I don't want to seem like I'm restraining you, etc. Is that bad? I do trust you though, and that is thought I tell myself when I do start to get jealous. Because I know that you love me. And I love you - so don't ever think that I'll cheat Princess, because I won't. Ever. Do that. Not to you. Not to anyone. But I understand your concern. So don't worry. I'm glad we can both agree that being with each other is heaven and even if you dragged me all across the world, the galaxy, to heaven or t hell just know that I will always love you. I will show you my killer smiles, like these. -smiles widely; chuckles- And I actually read through your whole message Princess, so hopefully you read through mine as well. This means I don't get kicked, right? -winks- I hope that despite there are things that trouble your heart right now, I hope I can diminish them so that they become less frequent. My princess. -hugs you from behind- I love you. I love you so much, so much that I want to cherish what we have. Sometimes I wonder if I'm going too slow for you. But I want you to experience every second of it - of a relationship. -smiles, turning you around to kiss you-

So Naeun, as long as you love me. My princess. My world. I will always love you in return wihtout fail. So thank you and I love you..




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