Personal Message

Hello! Welcome to my Profile!

What brings you here to go and see this?

Want to be friends with me? Sure! Go ahead and do so

I'm very approachable too and I'm easy to get along with! 


The Fandoms I'm In:

Image result for knk kpop logoImage result for seventeen logo




About Me

Hello! My name is Pretzel, You can call me Ki if you want to it doesn't really matter to me!

I'm currently in the fandoms of Infinite, Lovelyz and VIXX and for users who are in those fandoms.
Hit me up and let's fangirl/fanboy together~! Let's talk about our biases and discuss about our ideas of future fanfics!

If anyone is wondering what do I have planned, you can see from the picture above it says "Pocket Universe" 
I plan to make fanfics that drag the reader into a pocket universe to their favorite idols or biases. 
I'm currently working on a VIXX fanfic so look forward to that but I don't know when will I publish it.

If anyone is wondering who are my biases in the fandoms I'm in...


I honestly love everyone in Infinite, After watching their variety shows and getting to know their personalities 
I found them all unique and adorable! But my bias will have to Sungyeol and my bias wrecker will be Dongwoo 

At first, I didn't like them. I found them boring in their variety shows the first few seconds but when

I pushed through into getting to know them. I was hooked! These ladies are so lovely, I love them!
My bias is Jiae and my bias wrecker will be Mi Joo

I honestly thought that I wouldn't get into their fandom like at ALL. I saw their comeback stage video in my recommendations and I was tempted to click on their video but I'm very loyal to Infinite no matter what... UNTIL SOMEONE convinced me to check their videos out and so I did... I didn't regret it. 
My bias is and my bias wrecker....................................... VIXX ITSELF


I found them beneath VIXX's live "Shangri La" video and it got me curious what KNK's "Sun.Moon.Star" live song so I clicked on it and honestly I wasn't expecting that they are a rookie group. I feel so new to it too... I'm a new fan of KNK but I won't exactly call myself a "Tinkerbell" just yet.
My bias is Seungjun and my bias wrecker is Inseong *Still might change*

This was requested by my friend, I decided to check them out when I saw a "Guide to Seventeen" and I found the video pretty funny and interesting to watch and when I checked it out. I LEARNED THESE BOYS ARE MEMES. I went to watch Weekly Idol and they are so cool! These boys also seem to be rookies... hehe!
*No bias yet since it's so hard to choose*


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