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Personal Message

My name is Aaron Ross, I'm 16 years old and I love dark themed stories. ^-^ They get me goin'. o3o But, I'm here to take my second attempt at a story, the first one, I didn't feel was as successful and plus a lot of time was taken off from the story, and I felt it was too late to start back up again. So I decided to start brand new...

About Me

Ummm...I'm shy, short(5'7), too nice for my own good, and I have a sense of creativity of me. ^-^ I've been sculpting since I was...3-4? I started with Play-Doh(If you count that as scultping) and haven't stopped since. I wanna make a good story, and always room for improvement. I hope to get a good audience to what I put out. :3