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About Me


Hey , hello , hola , whatevahh.

My name is urmm.. as you can see Nara123. Helloooooo. 

I don't care if you take the space of my wall to put your damn ads. I don't give a actaully. So yeah and here about me I want to intro duce you guys to my bpyfriends. Let me send you a picture of them okay? Or nahhh. Hah. 


So here we go , we have Cameron Dallas , my babe. I love him so much. 












Cameron Dallas everybody. I forgot his age so what if I forgot his age doesn't mean I stop loving him duh. Age is just a number. Lol. Well one day , I want to be like one of them the Magcon family. Well we all have the same dreams aren't we? Dreaming that one day we'll be a celebrities like one of them flirting them till we get in their pants and get married have 2 kids of more hehe. So yeah , Cameron Dallas to you all. lmao. 


And now , I'm presenting to you guys , Shawn Mendes , come up here bae. 

Well as you can see , he is singing to Justin Bieber's As long as you love me then . My guy Nash threw a pillow at him , bae that is rude you know? he's in collage with my bae to Cammie. Hehe. So yeah  , I want to meet him too thou , I want to sing a duet with him , if you hate reading my dreams thou you can just get the out from here that just easy okay? Wrote some ty website out there or search something more 'interesting' on search box and just get the hell out of here if you hate reading this. Hoho. So yeah didn't mean to be rude but people like that really annoys me. Gah.


Well this is Taylor Caniff , yeah , he has a girlfriend already but he's cheating on her with me. lol kied lol whut still in to him if he's married like I will marry him. lol. 

Taylor Caniff everyboddeyh 


Okay. Yeah he's tired all of those tours right? Lol. And yeah this is my Taylor Caniff I mean our mood maker erto Taylor Caniff well he love touching his thou. Hoho. 


My guy , Nash Grier 


He's cute right? What an animal lover. Here me roar! Meowwww. xD Hahaha. <3 


My last guy , Matthew Espinosa. 

(Don't judge for having so many crushes.) 

People say that he's look alike to Justin Bieber. I mean yeah. It is. The bieber twins. <3 WElcome home Matty. 


So yeah that's it so see you at the fics guys. Bye. <3 ^^ 





Goodbyeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Bye byeeeeeeee!! ^^