Personal Message


▬▬▬ in three, twoone (   click  )  .
                                                                                                                  the picture-perfect deer .


     ✦ the vampire prince ┊ Bang Cheol-yong or Mir; Miru(but dont call him that until you really know him..)
     ✦ born on the date ┊ Mar 10, 1991 ; 21 years young
     ✦ standing tall at ┊ 178 centimeters
     ✦ the blood running through my veins ┊ type 'A'
     ✦ the neat trick up my sleeve ┊self control

▬▬▬ 请你告诉我 如果这样就是 () .

 please tell me if this is love .


     ✦ relationship status ┊ y, free, and single
     ✦ orientation ┊ not straight
     ✦ love is. . . ┊ a mystery
       * i'm waiting for the right person

credits to monochromatic. do not steal.

i'll be needing your full attention. Not like this......tumblr_m9dip4mB9T1rdstseo1_500.gif

                               ★if  you wanna know my past...

He doesn't remember much of his parents, actually, he doesn't even know them. He was raised in an orphanage/shelter for abandoned street kids. The place was certainly luxurious, an old estate had been bought and converted to bring in underpriveledged kids from all over the city. He stayed there for 17 years, because on his birthday, a letter came, one claiming to be from his sister and parents in Seoul, explaining to him what he was, why he'd had to be sent away for so long, how they'd missed him, and the people who'd taken care of him wasted no time in getting him packed, handing him all the money he'd saved up from his job,  and sending him off on a plane to this strange city. Making him wonder if he'd just been another burden to them..

He had written the adress on the palm of his hand, and found the house number, knocking on the door, anxiousness flowing through him as he wondered what they looked like. The door opened as his fist collided with it, and he entered slowly as no one stood there. 

As he entered he heard voices, and listened closely as he walked to what seemed the kitchen. 

"Where is he?" a low, deep voice asks demandingly, and a womans responds, 

"You know we've told you he isn't here, nor will you ever find him."

"I sense a new presence.." another voice speaks as he reaches the doorway, seeing a man, woman, and girl only a few years older than him probably, along with two other people, a man, and woman in suits.

Instantly both men lunge towards him, the man from the family side ends up defending him, and unsure what to do he steps back, as the girl runs to him while the other two women fight.

"I'm glad you're back home, Cheolyong," she speaks, taking his arm and leading him up some stairs, theres the sound of two gunshots as they reach the top and she spins around, and commands, "go to my room, two doors down on the left, there's a leather journal on the bed, take it and use the window to get out, i'll join you soon."

He obeys as he seems the two people in suits aim for the stairs, and grabbing a journal off the bed, he opens the window and slips out, feeling a little panicked, he heads to a nearby cafe, keeping the house in sight. He sits and reads the journal, expecting the girl to rejoin him, butsoon sirens fill the air and he looks out the window to see the house has caught fire.

He looks back at the journal..deciding it was something worth keeping close, now that it'd be the only thing of his family he had left.

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Now Mir had ended up taking to the streets, this city wasn't anything promising; infact, it seemed here that elves hated vamps and vamps hated elves...these problems didn't exist where he came from..he liked the Elf's looked so beautiful, but they'd never let him stay. He couldn't get a permanent job, and did little random errands for people to earn some money, but most days he didn't have enough to even get himself a fulfilling meal. He slept on rooftops so he could look at the stars, and despite the mischievous look and aura it seemed he gave off, he was quiet and soft spoken, acting like a little kid and playing innocent.all you have to do is ask...



About Me

