Personal Message

Name? Minzy

What is she? An Elf

Friend or Foe? Friend........depends



Her Powers? Water, Ice, Teleportation, and Invisibility.


She lingers in the woods where no one can find her......She stays quiet and alone while others travel around our side of the planet. After the vampires and elves abolished human existence, only her fellow Elves and the Vampires were left.  Many of the two fight while others like her, linger in the shadows, uninvolved. She lives on the light side, where the sun shines and the plants grow. While the vampires live on the opposite side where the sun never shines and only darkness is left.


Gong Minji had always lived a lonely life......her parents mysteriously died when she was 10 and she was stuck on her own since......she went to school of course and was always bullied. She always kept to herself and almost never spoke a word. She's sometimes standoffish at first and is very shy but polite. She would never hurt anyone unless absolutely neccessary. She's kind but very quiet. If she finds you trustworthy, she might open up to you. Minzy was soon awakened to her powers as an Elf shortly before the humans were erased from existence. Soon after, she moved to the forests and made it her home, having almost no contact with anyone........not even her own species.


Now, at 18, she appears and disappears from civilization. Occasionally visiting different places. If you see her, consider yourself lucky cause not everyone can see her since she moves around from place to place so quickly. Every now and then, she'll help out at a bar, or a hospital, or at a restaraunt. But after a while, she'll leave again.




Cautious but quiet for: 18 years......


Status: Single and.....Crushing???


Orientation: Biual (prefers guys)


Extra Facts:


Do not hurt her in any way. And especially don't break her heart or betray her. (has happened before)


She is skilled in the use of any kind of weapon or poison but hopes not to have to use either one at all.


She has a small birthmark of a sun and moon on on her wrist. (makes her and Sooji cousins)


Never been kissed   Taken 7/13


Never drank alcohol before. Done 7/13


Eats normal human food


Still a


Has no problems with Vampires


Respects her own species


Has a habit of hiding and turning invisible


Isn't allergic to anything


She likes to play piano, but not in front of anyone


Likes to dance, but with no one watching Done early 7/14


Weapons of Choice:





Her house (she made more money than she thought and ended up buying a large house):










Master Bedroom:


Guest Bedrooms (2):




(Dara's Room)


Master Bathroom:


Guest Bathroom (connects the two guest bedrooms):


Living Room:




Staircase (goes up to the second floor)



My People:



This is my new roomie who lives with me now. She's very kind to me and is a really good friend. I hope we stay friends for a really long time...<3


(i'll add more people later)








About Me

Roleplaying as 2ne1's Minzy on White Deer AFF Fantasy/ Roleplay