Personal Message

Hello everyone~! 2ne1's maknae Gong Minzy here~!

 Nice to meet you all~


❒ Single  ✔Taken<3


Hey guess what~ I have found the perfect guy~

His name is Ren~ 

He's super cute, and funny, and hot, and pretty, and strong, and wonderful, and perfect, an--- what? I'm boring you? Oh, I don't care^^

Mss with me you have to deal with him~^^

Even his hyungs can't take him~

But the most important thing: I LOVE HIM~<3

So flirt with him/bully him/hurt him in any way

and you will have to answer to me~






This is my dorky big brother Rain oppa~

He's kind of protective sometimes...

but that's what makes him my oppa~


Victoria Unnie~<3

Always there when I need her~


My 2ne1 unnnies~

Dara unnie, CL unnie, and Bom unnie~~


If you wanna be here, just let me know~

One more thing: don't mess with anyone on my list or else~!

About Me

I am an epic person RPing at HOUSE OF THE EPIC~!