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Personal Message

I am a author/co-author, if you want a co-author I will be glad to be of help ^.^

If you want me to be a co-author I will help with grammar and making poster and adverdise your story if you want.

And if you want to friend me or talk to me, you can!


About Me

~Little things about me~

My name: Mihee Y.  Nickname: none

Age: 91'line   Zodiac sign: Leo

Favorite bands/singers: Infinite,Lee hi, K.Will, The Rollings Stones, The Beatles, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin.

Favorite/Bias of Infinite: Sungyeol and Sungjong.

Personality: Shy, but more outgoing than my friend who I am a co-author to. Though she has more of sense of humour and is quite crazy, if you know her stories you are in for alot, haha.

Favorite animal: Tiger, Pandas, and foxes.

Favorite season: Autumn. Favorite Month when the weather is the best: November.

Is there anything esle??..Nope.

I have not personally written many stories, I have only helped my friend (above) with her stories and test read her stories (read before posting). So..I don't know wether I like posting stories or not...I may post one story and see wether people like it or not, if it is not liked I shall delete it.

English is not my first language, even though I am fluent in English I will still make a few mistakes, so bear with me, and thank you! thank you for reading!

Have a nice day, 
