Personal Message

Hello! I adore all my subscribers :3

About Me

I'm pretty friendly, but I'm awkward around people in real life. That's pretty much all I can say about myself. My pen name shall be...L. I'm an EXOtic, BABY, BBC and Kissme. Taohimbombseop. Yay.

I'm Asian and I love being an Asian (so proud of being a ching chong). Ehehehe. Really random but am quite a serious person. Still a teen and not a POTATO, as you can see from my display picture. I've been told that I look more mature than my age. Singaporean/Malaysian.

I'm a teenage blogger on both tumblr and blogger. My tumblr blog is my spazzing blog, whereas my blogger blog is my personal blog + spazzing blog.

I'm also a HUGE fan of awesome animes with bishounens and bishoujos, and I love manga with beautiful storylines. I love stories with very good sense of humour and with cute romance elements in it. If you are also an anime/manga fan, please recommend me awesome romantic comedy manga with awesome art :3

I just don't feel like using my real name as my pen name, so I've decided to stick with 'L'.

I'll gladly make friends with anyone, and I'll take constructive criticism.

