About Me

Why hello there! I'm Maddie, your average teenaged girl that loves to write and dance. If I don't update frequently blame it on dance! I'm also not good about keeping promises SO if I say I'm gonna update don't hold me to that unless you want to be let down completely. All of your hopes and dreams crushed. Poof. Gone just like that. Haha~ This is such a lame about me but just wanted you to know the real me!! >.< I'm weird and corky but that's.... Part of my charm... Yeah. ...Lets say that! ;) 

*shamelessly self promoting* Also, if you like my stories or just want to be a good soul, or even be supermegafoxyawesomehot (anyone catch that reference? ;D ) go follow my Instagram @kpop_dreams !! Hehe~~ Anyway, thanks for checking out my profile. ^^ Thank You~~~!!!! 

Love, Maddie