Personal Message

Please read my stories c: I try to make them as original as possible, and you never know, if I like an idea you request, I might do it for YOU!

About Me

I'm just like, apart of any fandom, and it all started out with anime ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)

My friend introduced my sister to G-Dragon, and that was in the Heartbreaker era, but we didn't know what kpop was, so.... we just thought it was japanese cause ANIME  // dies

So then after a few years, my other friend showed us kpop, and we recognized G-Dragon right away lol. And then him and Big Bang us into kpop..... 

So now I'm here... Writing fan fics.... kpop isn't all of it though. I watch a lot of dramas, so if you want to discuss that with me, MESSAGE ME! Seriously, I watch a LOT of dramas