About Me

Hello. I'm LOVElySehun.

Facts about me.

1)My full name is blalalalalalala. (Can't tell you :p)

2)I'm blabla years old.

3)I live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

4)I'm the eldest.I have 2 little brothers.

5)I love to listen n sing along to my fav song.

6)I have a crush :3

7)I'm single.

8)I'm sometimes a and sometimes innocent. Haha

9)Gets blurr easily.

10)Loves Maths, English Science, Geography.

11)I love sweets. Especially lollipops. XD

12)I like to read. When i'm free.

13)I have no best friend. Since i love to friend with anyone. That i like. :3

14)I hate backstabbers. Like, hate them VERY MuCH.

15)I love it when you guys comment on my stories. Please do comment. ♡♡

16)I love all my subscribers and voters.

17)I hate the dark.

18)Cat n wolf lover. ♡♤

19)Loves food. Hahaha xD

20)I'm a chubby girl. In a chubby world. :3

21)When i love this someone, i'll love him/her forever.

22)When you guys do good to me, i'll do good to you.

23)I love warm and comforting hugs.

24)Gets easily broken hearted. Cry easily.

25)Gets jealous easily.

26)My bias in EXO is Luhan. Actually. Since my username has Sehun's name. XD

I think that's it. For now. Bye bye. Have a nice day. ;)