


  • Getting image...


Do you want to see the other EXO members with powers too?

  • Hella Yes
  • Eww No

Personal Message


How I feel when my sisters talk to their boyfriends and I'm here watching kpop videos


Seriously people don't do this to us fangirls 


Me, everytime I watch  


Everytime I see skinship from the couples I ship 


Me when someone tries to surprise me but I caught them in the act


Me when someone tries to mess with me when I'm in a bad mood 


Me when I see two actors/kpop boy idols/singers look at each other longer than usual and touching each other 



About Me

Hey there~!! If you're reading this, then you must want to know more about me. Born in the 1998's, known in school because i'm one of the derpy tall kids who laughs way too much and accidentally trips over stuff, a high school student, author (aff) and dancer, Likes animals, earrings, food, sweet stuff (cakes, cookies, honey-senpai), derping around with my friends in school, trolling my teachers and classmates and basically having fun~ :D 


P.S Don't bring me to any movie theaters where the movie has two guy leads, because I'll probably ship them in my head and imagine them having a relationship and forget about the main lead's relationship with the girl and just focus on him and the guy. And I'll probably release a high pitch dolphin squeal when they make any contact with each other. I love food so much its starting to become a serious problem, when I'm eating ramen, don't take more than one spoonful of my soup because I am going to stab your arm. My soup is precious, so back up. #ramensoup