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About Me

Ahh. What to put for this? 
I never really know what to say in "About Me" sections, so I think I might just wing it here. 

I am mostly an anime fan. 

But I do love Jrock. I can honestly say my obsession with Jrock can even rival that of one who is obsessed with Kpop. 

My most favorite bands are as followed: 

The Gazette. 
Dir en Grey
Lar'c en Ciel 
An Cafe 
Plastic Tree
Malice Mizer(I know they are on an indefinite hiatus) 
X Japan
Sadie(Which are disbanded I believe.) 

That's all off the top of my head. I know there is way more, I may come back to add them once I remember. 

Favorite songs from each band: 

The Gazette: Reila 
Dir en Grey: Yokan
Lar'c en Ciel: XXX
SiD: Enamel 
An Cafe: Cherry Saku Yuki
Malice Mizer: Illuminati 
X Japan: Tears
Lc5: Loveless 
Sadie: Meisai 

Now, Kai, the drummer of the Gazette, he is my favorite, I love him so much <3 

And, I do like Kpop. 
The ones I follow are: 

Those two are the ones I follow on Instagram mostly, and my friend is one that ends up sharing new things. 

I do really love N from VIXX, he really needs to stop eye ing the cameras gdi. 

But this is all I can think of for an about me. So~ I'll probably update it frequently.