About Me




♔— G12 leader;kheemdelacruz




{kheem.} ain't normal; for i am the King of kings' daughter. been alive since 12.19.2011. that was when i found Love. under school of leaders 1 training.

{leadership.} to some people, it might mean nothing at all. but as a christian living in the g12 vision, leadership is essential. people might say it was such a difficult  job to do and yes, they were right. however, as albert schweitzer said, example is leadership. leading people to God's path and let them know their lives purpose.

 {christianity.} is something i am proud of. i am found. God's love was enchanting; it is beyond words to explain. once you've felt it, you couldn't escape of it; people might say it's crazy but home defines the Creator.



"i have been crucified with Christ and i no longer live, but Christ lives in me. the life i now live in the body, i live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." (Galatians 2:20)



beloved, if you need an advice or to know about faith, i am more than willing to talk to you. i love kpop as well, been in hiatus for a year, but been a fangirl for over six years now. main fandom was dbsk, yeah, i always keep the faith with me. i love the five  of them. main bias would be joker, yong junhyung. true blooded beauty here. been with them since bad girl days. i love writing and dreaming.




=the notes to my music ]

- all i'm living for  ("how could i ever repay you? You came into my life Lord, You set me free...")

- reason i live  ("take my life lord and use me as you will, Jesus you're the reason i live...")

- came to my rescue ("in my life be lifted high, in our world be lifted high, in our love be lifted high...")

- keep falling in love ("I keep falling in love with You Lord, every beat of my heart, breath that I take...")

- devoted ("for you, all was put aside, all for you and I, Father it's you i love...")

- high and lifted up ("every prayer every cry, You alone satisfy...")

- i'm forever yours ("i give my all to You, send me and I will go for You...")

- completely ("and let all this is within me lift up to You and say, i am Yours and Yours alone completely...")

- made me glad ("You are my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, my shelter, strong tower...")

- through it all ("cover me with Your hand, and lead me in Your righteousness...")

- till i see you ("i will live to love You, i will live to bring You praise, i will live a child in awe of You...")



and may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is. (ephesians 3:18)


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