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About Me

❤Jessica Jung❤

 The innocent little elf 

Birthday: April 18, 1989

Age: Twenty-three

Race: Elf

Powers: Healing, Water manipulation, Teleportation, Invisibility

Friend or Foe: Friend

Personality: Nice, Sweet, Bubbly, Caring, Mother like




♦Jessica Jung♦

 The heartless vampire 

Birthday: April 18, 1989

Age: Twenty-three

Race: Vampire

Powers: Mind reading, Mind control, Freeze time, Telekinesis

Friend or Foe: Foe

Personality: Cold, Heartless, Emotionless, Rude,




"You're probably thinking 'How can she be innocent and heartless?' Simple, something called split personality."

Let's turn back time....

Jessica Jung was originally just an elf. She lived a happy life with her mom, dad, and younger sister. She had three best friends, who were elves also. But, she went out one night with her friends, they went to the mall, and then to an abandon house, where they would always go. They started playing truth or dare while they waited for some of their other friends to show up, who were vampires. The others soon showed up, and they continued to play truth or dare. One of Jessica's friends dared her to drink vampire blood. At first, she didn't want to, but, all of her friends chanted. "Do it! Do it! Do it!" Over and over, not stopping until she did so. One of the vampire's bit themselves and Jessica grabbed his arm, beginning to drink before he healed. Bad idea. It happened almost immediately, the vampire blood fused with her own elf blood, causing her to go dizzy, and her eyesight to go blurry. When she lifted her head, her eyes were red, she had fangs, and she didn't look like her normal self. She attacked her friends, of course they tried getting away, only the vampires did, not the elves. She killed all of the elves, them dry. She returned home, her clothes stained with blood. Everyone asked what was wrong, she didn't respond. Instead, she packed her things, and told her sister to hide. Her sister asked why, and Jessica hissed at her, showing her sister her newly grown fangs. It scared her sister enough to hide, just in time, she lost control again, killing her parents and them dry too. She left, leaving her sister. She had to deal with her new life being a hybrid, she couldn't afford losing control and killing her sister too. The only family they had left, was each other.


Let's fast forward to now....

Now twenty-three, Jessica has full control over her vampire half. Well, almost. Her elf half and vampire half somehow became a split personality. She can control her vampire half, but, what she can't control, is when she'll act like an elf, or act like a vampire. Anything can trigger each side. Let's say, she was in her vampire mode, if she saw a child get hurt, she would go automatically into her elf mode and help that child. That's the only thing you should worry about when meeting her; Which half you'll meet her in.


 Single - Straight - Somewhat Looking