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Personal Message

"I'd rather be hated for who I am then liked for who I'm not."


RESPECT. (I made it a big font for you yummy children over there so you would get the message and i apologize, 72 is their biggest font.)


About Me

Name: Din <3

: Sure. *winks*

Age: Pretty young but I act like I'm 18, it's pretty sad. Sad that I'm enjoying the state of childhood with a ert's mind. But it's not my fault, older teens who curse like they wont take anyones crap. Also not my fault that my parents like watching old movies with random scenes. Ahah, asian parents.

Occupation: Procrastinating student. Nuff said.

Obssesions: I'm a Narutard. And eff off with the naruxhinata and naruxsakura. SASUKExNARUTO is where it's at. xD Its been a theory that Sasuke's gay. YOU CAN EVEN TELL. ''SAS-GAY''. Im also obssesed with the intimacy of gay relationships. Tumblr, turtles and pands. Erm. Bacon.