Personal Message

HAIIIIIII~~~ Welcome to my profile ^^



So, lets get you started before you think I'm crazy and send me to mental institution. First of all, I LOVE KPOP <3   hehehe, it's green...BAP~! O u O

Yup, you guessed it. My favorite group is the Best.Absolute.Perfect. angel aliens from Mato Planet. *sniffs* BABIES FOR LIFE!!!!

Just for the sake of honesty, I'm going to admit that although BAP is my bias group, SHINEE will forever hold a huge space in my heart. TT TT

How I got into KPOP?

Once Upon A Time....   Boys Over Flowers went viral...that marked the beginning of my kpop life ...wait, I have no life. ; u ; 

Anyways....Boys Over Flowers was THE FIRST k-drama I watched, and Stand By Me by SHINEE in that drama was the very first kpop song I heard. I fell in love with the song 4 seconds after it started. BAM! My life today. O u O

I'm SUPER weird and SLIGHTLY...o-KAI (EXO lame jokes xD) maybe a little more than slightly....erted.

ADD ME~ ...if you dare O u O

SUBSCRIBE~...if you wish ^^

We'll spazz over B.A.P. or other kpop idols/groups together. 


About Me

I'm new on AFF, but luckily, I have my 3 awesome and experienced friends to help guide me through and if I will gain any, my subscribers to give me the motivation I need. So big thanks to our little froggie, icecreamninja14, our lazy, evil gamer sheep, sapphire_blue98, and our one and only pikapandasaur with a bubble gun, disguised as a graphic designer and writer, works part time as a ninja, and currently studying the science of bubbleology, iSoul.


Even though I haven't known them for that long, they have a full part in my heart. Mess with them, you mess with me. 


I can be really nice, friendly, and most importantly NORMAL when you first meet me, but when you get to know me, it's a whole different story.

You can earn my trust easily, but make ONE TINY mistake, you NEVER get a second chance from me. 

I also don't like making other people sad since I know what it feels like and I don't want them to go through the same thing, but get on my nerves and it's like hell breaking out. Also, I don't cuss that much, but when I blow, I make sure I don't leave out a single cuss word that exists on this Earth.

I'm also SUPER bipolar. I could turn from joking around with my friends all cheerfully to crying alone in the corner.  

The things that piss me off tremendously:

  • the tip of my pencil isn't exact/perfect
  • my papers get wrinkled 
  • people touching me or my stuff without permission (and I'm pretty sure that goes for anyone on this planet...oops...Daehyun doesn't like people touching his food...sowwy Daebaby~^^)
  • people "borrowing" my stuff and never returning them or returning them but not in the same quality as when I gave it to them

I guess that's pretty much the all description I have for myself since you can't really explain yourself....or is that just me? O.o



















I don’t even know what to say about this group. They are the angels that guided me to the wonderful world of kpop. I can’t deny the fact that they will forever hold a special place in my heart. I have gone with them through tears and happiness. I cry when they cry. I laugh when they laugh. They have these bright and genuine smiles that can light up a whole sky. They are the awesomest, dorkiest group I have ever seen. Yet I still love them. I don’t know how to thank them enough for making my life complete when I didn’t even have a life except love them forever and always. My bias group for 3 whole years man. xD What more can I say? I’m a Shawol and I’m proud to be. 



They are the best rookie group I have ever seen. Everyday my love for them increases more and more as I see how much they grow. What lured me into their groups was how each member has a different, important role to play. The first song I heard by them? One shot. I died on that day and became a hardcore baby ever since. I will stay a baby as well because I know they will strive to the top with their talent. Even if they don’t, I will still love them until the end, knowing that they did their best. Being a devoted fan means staying with them until the end during hardships and successes. Oh! One more thing. To all those that aren’t warriors/babies……“Hey I just met you, and this is crazy. But I’m going to turn you, into a hardcore baby.” LOL


sjfilajfsal;fjdsl. I can’t seem to transfer my feelings for this group into exact words. TT TT On the verge of jumping off a cliff because of their hotness. They are still a rookie group, but they have grown so much over the past years. I love how they each have a unique feature that makes you want to kidnap them home. O u O And how SM gives them a fantasy feel and powers…and…OMFG dying right now…. @.@







            Onew (Lee Jinki)

My first bias that stayed my number one romeo for 3 years. I seriously want to slap myself for cheating on him with an infinite amount of other guys. I’ve been supporting him ever since I got into the world of kpop and SHINee. I’ve only loved this chicken-loving guy ever since. Well, actually scratch that. Until those 2 alien angels came into my life and along followed the rubix cube obsessed guy. I’m sorry yeobeo~ You know I love you O u O I would dedicate my whole life if it means making him happy. 

             Yoo YoungJae                   Zelo (Choi JunHong)

Do you see those 2 beautiful and flawless faces up there? Yeah, those two alien angels that fell into my heart from Mato Planet. Yeah…hm…lemme see how to put this into words…I really hate you guys, but I love you. I wanna kick their asses so badly, but they’re too perfect to be ruined. They’re ruining my life. YoungJae’s singing is making my ears ually frustrated. And don’t even get me started on Zelo’s rapping. I just cannot….urghhhh why do you guys have to be so perfect~~~


Well, Jae_guin is no longer here. She has gone to jump off a cliff to her death and taken her laptop with her to stalk those 2 life ruiners to make use of the time falling. Her last words:


Please tell YoungJae and Zelo oppa that….I love them….Just kidding…I freaking hate you guys. O u O


R.I.P. Jae_guin



Hai readers~ ; u ;

Did you dye from those pictures yet? If you haven’t, then you don’t have eyes, or a heart, or you’re blind because look at that goodness. URGHH the feelsss.

I worship this guy so much to be able to kick Onew’s out of the first place spot in my bias list. How did this start? Well, I was tumblring, my typical weekend, when out of nowhere, a picture of him popped up, showing him super focused and into his rubix cube.